
MoveLab member Maria Idrees will present her research at NCIC 2023!

On 13th April, 2024 our MoveLab member Maria Idrees is going to present her article entitled” Impact of Teachers’ Growth Mindset On Students’ Growth Mindset and Achievement at National Consortium for Instruction and Cognition( NCIC) in Philadelphia, PA. We wish Maria Idrees the best of luck with her presentation and commend her for her valuable contributions to the field of education.

MoveLab member Mark Walvoord receives two sustainability-related grants!

Mark Walvoord, second year doctoral student in the Learning Science program, recently received two grants from the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality. The first award of $32,072 kicks off the Food Recovery at the University of Central Oklahoma project where the campus cafeteria donates prepared, but untouched, food after the lunch rush to be packaged in compostable containers. This Broncho Bites service sends email alerts to students, faculty, and staff to check the livefeed camera Read more…

MoveLab members Murat and Ceyhun with Dr. Sinem Toraman-Turk presented their research at AERA 2022!

MoveLab members Dr. Murat Turk and Ceyhun Muftuoglu with Dr. Sinem Toraman-Turk from Cincinnati Children’s presented their research Cognitive Presence and Student Outcomes in an Online Teacher Education Course: A Mixed Methods Study at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2022 in San Diego, CA. Kudos to the MoveLab and these great researchers!

MoveLab members Murat and Ceyhun with Dr. Sinem Toraman-Turk from Cincinnati Children’s presented at AERA 2022!

MoveLab members Dr. Murat Turk and Ceyhun Muftuoglu with Dr. Sinem Toraman-Turk from Cincinnati Children’s presented their research Students’ Perceptions and Experiences about Engagement Strategies in Online Courses: A Mixed Methods Study at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2022 in San Diego, CA. Kudos to the MoveLab and these great researchers!

MoveLab member Murat Turk has published a new study in Online Learning Journal (OLJ)!

MoveLab member Murat Turk has published, with MoveLab member Ali Ceyhun Muftuoglu and Dr. Sinem Toraman, in Online Learning Journal (OLJ), one of the top-tier journals in online education. Congrats, Murat! You are on a roll! Link to article: Teaching Presence in Online Courses: Similar Perceptions but Different Experiences from Multiple Instructor Perspectives | Turk | Online Learning (
